Forms | 1.020 Bill Of Sale (Vc §1652)

One of the key documents you will come across when buying or selling a car in California is the CA DMV bill of sale.


The significance of this paper is very high, especially concerning legal essentials and taxes, which establish authorized recording and transparency in the trade.

We will look into different aspects regarding CA DMV bill of sale in this text such as its importance, how to fill it out, and related CA DMV forms.

CA DMV Bill of Sale: What It Is?

CA DMV Bill of Sale: What It Is?

A CA DMV bill of sale, on the other hand, refers to an official document that confirms that ownership for a vehicle has been transferred from one person to another. Concerning the car, transaction and the identities involved are some sensitive things contained within it.

Detailed Explanation

The information on this paper includes specifics like:

  • Manufacturer name
  • Model number
  • Year built
  • VIN
  • Names and addresses for both parties interested; buyer and vendor.

Further information would be recorded such as:

  • Price at which car was sold
  • Date when sales agreement finalized.
  • Any special conditions agreed upon in connection with deal.

To avoid future wrangles regarding who owns what car this paper should be kept save by both parties involved; buyer and seller.

Importance of a Bill of Sale

For sellers who need documentary evidence proving that they are no longer liable for any eventuality linked with their previous vehicles after selling them off; they must show their customers a copy featuring these words “sold” somewhere on its surface-“Bill sale.”

As for buyers, they require this document to act as proof needed when registering their new cars at California Department Motor Vehicles (DMV).

It is important to understand the significance of having knowledge about CA DMV bill of sale if you reside within California and are planning to sell/purchase a car. It is important for the agreement to be recorded in legal documents so that there will be no future legal issues.

How to Obtain a CA DMV Bill of Sale Form?

To complete any vehicle transaction, you must get the appropriate CA DMV forms. This piece will show you how to secure bill of sale form and use it properly.

Steps to Obtain the Form

  1. Visit the CA DMV Website: The official California DMV website provides various forms, among which include bill of sale form (Form REG 135).
  2. Download and Print: You may download and print this document at home.
  3. Request by Mail: Alternatively, one may fill out an application in order to get these papers sent directly from Department then bring it with them when visiting nearest office.
  4. In-Person Pickup: You can also go the nearest California Department Motor Vehicles offices if there is need for you to collect it immediately.

Completing the Form

Once you have obtained the paper, ensure that all sections requiring particular details are filled accurately. These include:

  • Vehicle details
  • Buyer information
  • Seller information
  • Sale price
  • Date of sale

Make sure both parties append their signatures on this document as it becomes legally binding when done so.

Obtaining a correct-filled-up CA DMV forms is a direct method that helps smoothening vehicle transactions smoothly. For instance, before buying or selling any car, make sure you have all necessary CA DMV forms ready with you in advance.

Filling Out the CA DMV Bill of Sale

Filling Out the CA DMV Bill of Sale

Accuracy in completing CA DMV bill of sale is important to ensure that the vehicle transaction is legally recognized.

Detailed Instructions

  1. Vehicle Information: This should include make, model, year and VIN, which identifies the vehicle being sold.
  2. Buyer and Seller Information: All these unique details about both buyer and seller must be entered on this form as required.
  3. Sale Details: Note down the purchase price of your car and date when it was bought.
  4. Odometer Reading: On the day of selling a car, its mileage has to be stated by one selling it.
  5. Signatures: For any transaction done between two people, signatures are a must for this mandate to take effect.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Incomplete Information: Ensure all fields are filled out completely and accurately in order not leave any unfilled spaces or blanks on it.
  • Incorrect Details: Cross check whether the VIN and other vehicle details such as model are correct because they may vary with those recorded at first.
  • Missing Signatures: It will only become binding if both parties sign it; otherwise, without their signatures, this document cannot be used in law courts or during any litigation processes as evidence that it binds them together legally forever.

It is crucial to fill out correctly with precision the “CA DMV bill of sale” so that you can have a legal car changeover.

Vehicle Varieties

  • Cars and Trucks: There is a simple procedure for the bill of sale for regular vehicles.
  • Motorcycles: You will need to include specific information about motorcycles, like the engine serial number.
  • Recreational Vehicles (RVs): Due to RV size and use, there may be additional requirements.
  • Boats and Vessels: In case of boats, the CA DMV bill of sale includes hull identification numbers and other such details as well.

Different kinds of vehicles have unique demands for completing a representative form for cars in California. Make sure you get this process correctly by understanding these subtleties before completing it successfully.

Tips for Processing Bill of Sale Smoothly

These tips can help you make the process easier while dealing with CA DMV bill of sale transactions.

Practical Tips

  1. Prepare in Advance: Gather all necessary forms from the CA DMV as well as all relevant data before meeting a buyer/seller.
  2. Verify Information: To avoid mistakes, double-check every detail on your CA DMV bill prior to signing it.
  3. Keep Copies: Each party should retain copies of each executed bill in their own files; signed copy should remain with buyers/sellers respectively.
  4. Communicate Clearly: Understand that both sides are aware about what they are agreeing on as far as terms and policies are concerned through effective communication skills.

Handling Issues

  • Disputes: It is advisable to refer disputes arising from this transactional process back at it as laid down in the bill of sale.
  • Lost Documents: One should engage CA DMV authorities for guidance on how to proceed once the bill of sale is missing.

These recommendations will ensure a smooth process when you complete your CA DMV vehicle registration form. Preparation and communication are key.

DMV Responsibilities

Processing Ownership Transfers

This includes ensuring the proper completion and processing of all CA DMV forms, including the CA DMV bill of sale.

Vehicle Registration

It facilitates the vehicle registration process based on completed bill of sales.

Issuing Titles

After a transaction has been processed, it gives out a new title for the vehicle to be bought by someone else.

How to Contact the DMV

  1. Online: Information and services can be found at their official website.
  2. In-Person: Go to any local office of California DMV for help.
  3. By Mail: Forms should be sent together with associated documents to DMV offices.

This makes it necessary that all steps are correctly completed within legal context and under authority of the Department Motor Vehicles during a vehicle transaction. The main document is CA DMV bill of sale in this case.

Digital vs. Paper CA DMV Bill of Sale Forms

You can either complete your CA DMV bill of sale digitally or on paper due to technological advancements made over time.

Digital Forms

  • Convenience: They are filled online saving time used in filling them physically.
  • Accuracy: Online forms have checks which make sure that no required field is left blank.
  • Environmentally Friendly: It reduces usage and wastage paper use.

Paper Forms

  • Traditional Method: Some people still love and prefer paperwork process more than anything else when selling vehicles.
  • In-Person Transactions: Useful when completing a sale in person and needing immediate documentation.

Choosing the Best Option

Consider what you like as well as other issues relevant to your sell situation. Both methods are appropriate, but digital forms are more convenient than formal ones because they save time and require less effort from sellers.

Ensure that if this form is to be filled digitally and on paper, it should be accurately done and delivered at the DMV.

CA DMV Bill of Sale for Out-of-State Buyers

CA DMV Bill of Sale for Out-of-State Buyers

Additional steps and conditions come with selling a car to a person from different state other than California using the bill of sale.

Additional Requirements

  1. Verification of Buyer’s Information: Ascertain that you have accurate information about the out-of-state buyer with you.
  2. Export Documentation: There are those additional certificates that may be needed when exporting a car out California.
  3. Compliance with Buyer’s State Laws: Ensure that this transaction is in line with the vehicle registration regulations of buyer’s state.

DMV Notification

Release of Liability: When officially notifying DMV about a sale, REG 138 “Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability” must also accompany it as prepared by the seller.

However, there is need for careful handling of the bill of sale while observing both Californian and buyer’s own laws if you want to sell your car to someone who lives outside the state borders.

Importance of a CA DMV Bill of Sale for Buyers

However, not only sellers require a CA DMV bill of sale, but buyers as well.

Buyer’s Benefits:

  1. Proof of Ownership: It acts as evidence that ownership has changed hands from seller to buyer as required by law.
  2. Registration: To register their names on vehicle documents, they need this document.
  3. Insurance: For obtaining vehicle insurance protection cover.

Ensuring Accuracy

Henceforth, buyers should make sure that the CA DMV bill_of_sale is filled correctly and signed by both parties involved. Errors can result in difficulties in registering or proving ownership later on.

For purchasers, CA DMV bill_of_sale is essential in completing the car acquisition process within legal and administrative requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about a bill of sale. In this regard, we address some common inquiries.

Is the CA DMV bill of sale mandatory?

Yes, it is necessary to carry out ownership transfer for a car or any other vehicle.

Can I write my own bill of sale?

Although, you can draft one but it is essential to use an official form known as the California Department Motor Vehicles (DMV) car title transfer that contains all the vital details therefor.

Do I need a notary?

It is not necessary to have a notary public present while signing the California Department Motor Vehicles (DMV) car title transfer in California state.

Understanding these frequent queries regarding buying and selling motor vehicles can help facilitate effortless transactions pertaining to purchase agreements involving automobiles like those provided by sales representatives from CA DMV offices.


Whether one is purchasing or selling a car, the CA DMV bill of sale is an essential piece of paper. This document ensures that the exchange of ownership is put into writing and made legal, thereby protecting the parties from future claims.

For registration and insurance purposes, you must have a DMV Bill of Sale. The importance of a DMV Bill of Sale in California can be understood by knowing how to get it filled out correctly and what its legal standing means.

Thus, knowing about its significance will help you in making vehicle conveyance easier for both sellers as well as buyers.

A Letter from Michael Johnson

Hi there! I'm Michael Johnson, your CA DMV guide here at the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Need an easy way to manage your DMV needs? You're in the right place!

This website is your main hub for using CA DMV services. We provide clear instructions to help you understand the DMV's offerings, renew your driver's license, register your vehicle, and more with ease.

In this space, I'll be your friendly companion as we navigate the CA DMV together. We'll cover scheduling appointments, taking care of renewals, and using other DMV services to simplify your life.

Let's make your experience with the CA DMV efficient and stress-free. Get started now and handle your DMV needs with confidence!

Regards, Michael Johnson